COVID-19 has overtaken the news cycle over the past weeks and months and for publishers, this pandemic has yielded an unprecedented surge in content consumption. In response, they have unlocked coronavirus-related content, enabling access by a new broader reader base.
While this new readership has driven page views through the roof, this has not necessarily resulted in direct revenue gain. Ad revenue has also been blacklisted on coronavirus content.
However, there have been some unexpected gains in subscription, according to The New York Times. In their article “Coronavirus brings a surge to news sites”, they confirmed this trend by tracking a 57.5% increase in subscriptions over several news sources. Agatha Pardot, Audience Development/Strategic Executive at Gannett also noted: “We are seeing a bump in digital subscriptions even though our coronavirus content is open.”
In our new report: “COVID-19 Publishing Industry Report User engagement in-depth analysis: 6 steps publishers should take during the COVID-19 pandemic to build long term revenue growth”, we analyzed a sample of 3.4 million users from a mid-sized publisher in the EU. Data from this publisher has revealed that there are as many new users on their site in March as their total users in January.
Clearly, all user segments have grown. While fly-bys and light users make up a sizable minority, their low loyalty means many of these users are likely transient, although a small percentage will progress to higher engagement levels. However, for the engaged and addicted segments, longer-term readers comprise much of these user groups and offer a sizable opportunity for long term growth.
“People don’t jump from flybys to addicted, these findings are well documented in academic literature with the metaphor of climbing a ladder and this dataset confirms it as observed from this data from Deep.BI.”
What these findings confirm is that reader engagement on news sites follows the characteristic of a ladder. Users gradually increase engagement until they reach a point in which they get so much value from the product that they are willing to pay for it.
There’s no magic formula - you just need to understand your user very well and define the conversion funnel.
As long as the pandemic persists, the trend will likely continue; new readers will become more engaged and already engaged users will continue to turn to their main news sources for updated information.
At Deep.BI, we see from our clients’ data that publishers who have clear strategies and distinct milestones in their user conversion funnel are able to guide their users further down the funnel and maximize their efforts.
It is important to note that reader engagement strategies are not only for the short haul, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Engaging with readers now and guiding them through the funnel -- even if it is with something as simple as a newsletter signup, registration or mobile app download -- is betting that over time the customer’s long term value will be significant indeed.
Below is a graph that shows the effect of a clearly defined engagement strategy, that will drive users down the subscription funnel when certain engagement thresholds are crossed.
While a spike in page views is always welcomed, this simply does not tell the whole story nor provide insights on how to leverage the newly acquired attention.
This matrix below is intended to serve as a guide for publishers and should be taken with a grain of salt. Not all publishers have paywalls and those who do have different paywall models. We recommend that you focus on those actions that are right for your user-base according to your data about those users' behaviors and preferences.
“For less engaged users you should focus on their engagement, introducing them to your brand. Make sure you push them to register and sign up to a newsletter first before you push them to subscribe - don’t jump from flybys to addicted.”
Considering that the progress of the virus is not yet understood, spending this period investing in a sustainable loyal readership base is a worthwhile endeavor. Readers have returned to trusted news sources for information and assistance during this difficult time in vast numbers. And the industry has responded overwhelmingly positively by removing obstacles to COVID-19 content.
Adding a strong digital strategy to this mix can help publishers ensure that readers are receiving the proper information and support they need during this troubled time and guarantee their own future in this role. Get in touch at for any inquiries or comments.